08. Solutions: More On Subqueries
Queries Needed to Find the Solutions to the Previous Quiz
- Here is the necessary quiz to pull the first month/year combo from the orders table.
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', MIN(occurred_at))
FROM orders;
- Then to pull the average for each, we could do this all in one query, but for readability, I provided two queries below to perform each separately.
SELECT AVG(standard_qty) avg_std, AVG(gloss_qty) avg_gls, AVG(poster_qty) avg_pst
FROM orders
WHERE DATE_TRUNC('month', occurred_at) =
(SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', MIN(occurred_at)) FROM orders);
SELECT SUM(total_amt_usd)
FROM orders
WHERE DATE_TRUNC('month', occurred_at) =
(SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', MIN(occurred_at)) FROM orders);
If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.